Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Global Media and the Nestle Boycott Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Global Media and the Nestle Boycott - Essay Example One of the main concerns for the widespread use of infant formula among children is the high number of deaths especially in the least developed countries (LDC) where mothers substitute breastfeeding with infant formula. Nestle has been accused of its aggressive marketing strategies that convinces mothers in poor countries to abandon breastfeeding their children and resort to infant formula. This has attracted the longest boycott in history known as Nestle Boycott where organizations concerned with the Nestleââ¬â¢s marketing practices of its controversial infant product in third world countries despite the linkage of the product to the high rates of deaths among babies in those countries. The organizations that participate in Nestle Boycott have a number of arguments that they believe are worthy stopping Nestle to engage in the marketing of infant formula in LDC. In view of the immense social, cultural, and economic differences between first and third world countries, it is acutely unethical for core nation corporations such as Nestle to implement their marketing techniques in peripheral nations without realizing the severe consequences. The Genesis of the Boycott Henri Nestle, the founder of Nestle, S.A. is credited with inventing the first artificial food products for babies in the world in 1866. After New Internationalistà magazine published a story about the unethical marketing strategies that Nestle employed to sell its product to mothers in 1973 and in a booklet calledà The Baby Killer,à in 1974, the company continues to face a boycott of its product infant formula. Nestle became the topic of consumer boycotts in the 1970s owing to its marketing practices. Powdered milk formula for infants was distributed free in hospitals to mothers who had given birth to newborn babies. What attracted the attention of consumers was the fact that this practice had not been witnessed in core countries like United States of America and England but only in less deve loped countries where the mothers were concerned about breastfeeding their babies. One of the most well known controversies involving Nestle involves the advertising and marketing of infant formula products to mothers in LDC around the world. The issue came up and attracted world attention in 1977 because of the Nestle boycott. Nestle continues to face criticism that the company violates the 1981 World Health Organization code that instituted regulations for marketing and advertising of breast milk substitutes (Solomon, p. 2). à The controversial issue led to the formation of groups such as theà International Baby Food Action Networkà (IBFAN) and Save the Childrenà who continues to provide evidences that the promotion of infant formula over breastfeeding lead health problems and deaths among infants in less economically developed countries. Nevertheless, Nestle has continuous counteracted these claims by initiating company policies that are geared towards encouraging mothers to breastfeed their children and only resort to infant formula in cases where it is completely impossible to breast feed. Because of aggressive marketing strategies by Nestle, free samples were distributed at maternity units, and by Nestle sales representatives who addressed as quasi-medical personnel. The critiques of this marketing strategy pointed out that poor mother were being persuaded to resort to infant
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Fair Value Reporting Advantages and Disadvantages
Fair Value Reporting Advantages and Disadvantages Discuss the pros and cons of fair value reporting for investors? Why has this trend emerged, and how does asset value volatility seen during and since the Global Financial Crisis effect your views on this? There have been many debates in previous decades amongst the investors, users of the financial statements, on whether fair value accounting is worth being used. According to IFRS 13, fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (ACCA, 2016). Usage of fair value has advantages, however, it has disadvantages as well. This essay will discuss how fair value is more advantageous than disadvantageous and how it is carried out. It will also examine how fair value led Lehman Brothers, an American investment bank, into bankruptcy during the global financial crisis and why the trend of fair value has emerged in the recent decades. As historical cost loses relevance with the passing of time, it is more appropriate to use fair value reporting as it considers current market prices and conditions. This provides investors with the most relevant estimates of the value of business (Gjorgieva-Trajkovska et al., 2016), and timely information which is important for making investing decisions (McEnally, 2007). Penman (2007) states that fair value accounting reports assets and liabilities through an economists view and therefore reports economic income the change in fair value of net assets on the balance sheet. This is of interest to investors as they can make predictions of future earnings based on current information (Marra, 2016). On the other hand, Sundgren (2013) claims that there will also be fluctuations in fair values, leading to uncertainty of future inflows. Although this poses a disadvantage towards certain stakeholders, it is helpful to investors as high fluctuations could indicate high risk, which may rewar d them with high returns. Another advantage of fair value reporting is the reliability and transparency of the method. More transparency means that the investors are able to get an insight into the real value of the company. This allows investors to make more informed decisions that will benefit the business (Bigelow, n.d.). Fair value reporting is reliable as it can be checked in hindsight from available information about current and past market prices (Betakova et al., 2014). This is beneficial for the investors as it means that they can be confident that their decisions are correct and that the finances of the business will not suddenly change. Bubble prices can be an issue for investors as it may mislead them into making poor investing decisions. There is plenty of empirical evidence to show that bubble prices exist (Ryan, 2008). These price bubbles, according to Penman (2007), are introduced into financial statements through the usage of fair value accounting. He goes on to say that this causes bubble gains to reflect on the income statement, and these may, falsely, show the company as being healthy which could lull investors into a false sense of security. These bubbles also result in the investor receiving ineffective financial statements which will impair their decision making. An example of this would be where investors pay prices that far exceed their own valuation (Scheinkman and Xiong, 2003). This would make it tough for investors to earn a reasonable return on their investments. However, the research fails to consider the difficulties locating price bubbles or how investors can prevent themselves from being misled . It also fails to consider that bubble prices show the current trading price, albeit inflated, and therefore show the true value of the investment according to current prices. When there is illiquidity in a market, fair value is called mark to model accounting. Ball (2006) explains that when this occurs, market prices are not accurate as firms try to find an approximate value for the assets. He continues by stating that this can let managers easily manipulate values according to their own preferences affecting the reliability of financial statements. Betakova et al. (2014), argues that measurement procedures of fair value create loopholes and this means that prices can be written as vastly different from what they really are, which again allows manipulation. The fair value of assets and liabilities is derived from the 3 level hierarchy of inputs. According to IFRS 13, the highest priority is given to level 1 inputs the quoted price of assets and liabilities that are traded in the active market. Laux et al. (2010) state that assets or liabilities should be marked to market, which means that the quoted price has to be used to determine its fair value as it is the best approximation of how much an asset would be sold for (Magnan, 2009). IFRS also emphasises that the price to be used has to be those of an orderly transaction to ensure that it is not a forced transaction in order to maintain its representability. An example of level 1 valuation would be listed stocks or bonds. In cases where an asset does not have an active market, level 2 fair value measurement should be used. This is when the valuation inputs are directly or indirectly observable but do not fall under Level 1 (Magnan, 2009). Level 2 inputs, the net replacement cost, includ e quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active or non-active markets, and other relevant market data like the yield curves (Sundgren, 2013). For example, Petrobras issued a bond which is not traded. However, if there is an active market for a Valero Energy bond that is similar, the price of the Valero Energy bond can be used as level 2 input to value the Petrobras bond. Finally, the least priority is given to level 3 inputs, which are unobservable inputs. It is the least accurate as it is based on model assumptions. An example of level 3 measurement is when there is no observable input to value the Petrobras bond, then the value of the bond can be estimated by discounting its future cash flows. As a result, the reliability is reduced due to the subjectivity of the discount rate. Fair value is argued to be more appropriate, compared to historical cost, when level 1 valuation is used as it only allows minimal manipulation. However, during 2008, many companies overvalued t heir assets by using the level 3 measurement, contributing to the global financial crisis. Furthermore, there is an advantage in valuing certain assets using historical cost over fair value, like property, plant and equipment. This is because historical cost results in a more consistent calculation of depreciation. Moreover, under fair value, assets would need to be revalued frequently due to changing market conditions and this would impose additional costs to the organisation (Christensen and Nikolaev, 2013). Fair value was a dominant force in the financial crisis and exacerbated its severity (Cai-xia and Chi, 2010). Huizinga and Laeven (2009) note that fair value is procyclical and therefore intensifies the phases in the economic cycle. They expressed that banks were materially impacted due to the contrast between market and book values. Lehman Brothers was an American investment bank, founded in 1850, and was the fourth-largest investment bank in the United States. Its bankruptcy in 2008 was a prominent event in magnifying the repercussion of the financial crisis (Acharya and Richardson, 2009). One of the pivotal reasons for this collapse was due to the high leveraging (Lehner, 2016). Lehman disguised this from stakeholders by utilising fair value accounting and creative accountancy. The incentive behind such manipulations would be the benefit pressurised managers derive by camouflaging vulnerabilities in the organisation. This is proved by the movement of the leveraging ratio from 23.7 :1 in 2003 to 30.7:1 in 2007 (SEC Info, 2007) which signifies a high level of risk to investors. In addition, Azadinamin (2012) mentions that accounting standards, due to their defects, enable management to misrepresent financial information for momentary monetary rewards. He states further that Lehman window dressed the financial statements, using fair value, to present healthy looking balance sheets which assisted in concealing a major complication negative cash flows. Magnan (2009) states that As of November 30, 2007, 75.1% of assets measured at fair value were measured according to level 2 or level 3 inputs. This indicates that Lehman generally did not use the more reliable level 1 values. In addition, the proportion of assets valued using level 2 or 3 increased to 81.7% the following year. This shows the speed at which reliability in the accounting method was reduced. It is backed up by the empirical evidence provided by Magnan which shows that the movement from level 1 to lev els 2 and 3 was done intentionally so that they were able to report assets too highly and hide losses. He goes on to explain that fair value provides beneficial information to investors when assets trade in deep and efficient markets but are less useful when the markets are less liquid. One of the key reasons for the fall was the lack of liquidity caused by banks securing themselves, due to the financial crisis, by asking Lehman to pay off their debts. In addition, even though Lehman had a huge asset base, they lacked assets which could quickly be sold for cash (Brunnermeier, 2009). Apart from the ongoing financial crisis, another aspect that increased the speed of the collapse was the unrealised gains and losses brought about by the usage of fair value accounting (Magnan, 2009). For example, Hughes (2008) mentions that Lehman Brothers showed a $400m gain from fair-valuing its own liabilities. As no other firm wished to buy Lehman, in its state at the time, they declared bankruptcy on the 15th of September 2008 and this was quoted as the largest bankruptcy in the history of the United States (Mamudi, 2008). Therefore, fair value accounting without adequate additional disclosure is neither fair nor a good reflection of the value that is at risk (Magnan, 2009). To summarise, whilst relevance and reliability are the primary qualities of the usefulness of a financial report, there is a constant debate on the trade-off between these qualities when fair value measurement is adopted. Fair value is known to be relevant as it uses the current market price, however, it sacrifices its reliability as level 2 and level 3 inputs are used. The value of relevance and reliability is equally important because relevant information that has no reliability would mean nothing to the investors (Sing and Meng, 2005). In contrast, Hitz (2007) notes that fair value would be reliable if there was an actively traded market but the problem arises when there is not. He also remarks that usage of historical cost is falling whereas fair value accounting is on the rise. The reason for this is because fair value provides more timely and comparable information than amounts that would be reported under other alternative accounting approaches (Laux and Leuz, 2009). Furthermo re, they add to this by saying that fair value accounting recognises losses earlier than other methods of accounting and this makes it much more difficult to hide problems in the corporation which, if left to grow, would make crises more severe. However, we have seen that even through the use of fair value accounting, as in the case of Lehman Brothers, fair value accounting was a significant player behind the crisis of 2008. Wallison (2008) argues that fair value causes instability among financial institutions, although the title of the journal suggests that he would be taking a biased stance towards the topic. Moreover, the usage of fair value accounting causes volatility due to constantly changing prices. This concerned banks during the financial crisis due to the enormous write-downs caused by falling asset prices. However, Enria et al. (2004) argue that volatility provides information to investors regarding the risks of their investment. We believe that solely utilising fair val ue has pitfalls and therefore companies should adopt an integration between historical cost and fair value to eliminate the weaknesses of each. Nonetheless, we conclude that investors still prefer fair value accounting despite the disadvantages and the trade-off because it represents the true economic condition of assets and liabilities. References: ACCA, 2016. A framework for determining fair value? [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 08/03/17] Acharya, V.V. and Richardson, M., 2009. Causes of the financial crisis. Critical Review, 21(2-3), pp.195-210. Azadinamin, A., 2012. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers: Causes of Failure recommendations going forward. Swiss Management Center. Ball, R., 2006. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors. Accounting and business research, 36(sup1), pp.5-27. Betakova, J., Hrazdilova-Bockova, K. and Skoda, M., 2014. Fair value usefulness in financial statements. DAAAM International Scientific Book, pp.433-448. Bigelow, L. The Advantages Of Fair Value Vs. The Equity Method. The Finance Base. Available from: [Accesses 02/03/2017] Brunnermeier, M.K., 2009. Deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch 2007-2008. The Journal of economic perspectives, 23(1), pp.77-100. Cai-xia, H.E. and Chi, Z.H.A.N.G., 2010. Fair value accounting under financial crisis. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 6(6), p.59. Christensen, H.B. and Nikolaev, V.V., 2013. Does fair value accounting for non-financial assets pass the market test?. Review of Accounting Studies, 18(3), pp.734-775. Enria, A., Cappiello, L., Dierick, F., Grittini, S., Haralambous, A., Maddaloni, A., Molitor, P.A., Pires, F. and Poloni, P., 2004. Fair value accounting and financial stability. Hitz, J.M., 2007. The decision usefulness of fair value accounting-a theoretical perspective. European Accounting Review, 16(2), pp.323-362. Hughes, J., 2008. Fair value can flatter to deceive on your own debt. Financial Times, 24(07), p.2008. Huizinga, H. and Laeven, L., 2009. Accounting discretion of banks during a financial crisis. Laux, C. and Leuz, C., 2010. Did fair-value accounting contribute to the financial crisis?. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(1), pp.93-118. Lehner, O.M. ed., 2016. Routledge Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance. Routledge. Magnan, M.L., 2009. Fair value accounting and the financial crisis: messenger or contributor?. Accounting Perspectives, 8(3), pp.189-213.. Mamudi, S. 2008. Lehman folds with record $613 billion debt [Online]. New York: Market Watch. Available from: [Accessed 08/03/2017]. Marra, A., 2016. The Pros and Cons of Fair Value Accounting in a Globalized Economy: A Never Ending Debate. Journal of Accounting, Auditing Finance, 31(4), pp.582-591. McEnally, R., 2007. Fair Value Financial Reporting. CFA Magazine, 18(1), pp.25-26. Penman, S.H., 2007. Financial reporting quality: is fair value a plus or a minus?. Accounting and business research, 37(sup1), pp.33-44. Ryan, S.G., 2008. Fair value accounting: Understanding the issues raised by the credit crunch. Council of Institutional Investors, (July, 2008), pp.1-24. Scheinkman, J.A. and Xiong, W., 2003. Overconfidence and speculative bubbles. Journal of political Economy, 111(6), pp.1183-1220. Sing, T.Y. and Meng, S.C., 2005. Fair value accounting-relevance, reliability and progress in Malaysia. University College Sedeya International. Sundgren, S., 2013. Is fair value accounting really fair? A discussion of pros and cons with fair value measurement. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 62(3-4), pp.242-250. Trajkovska, O.G., Temjanovski, R. and Koleva, B., 2016. FAIR VALUE ACCOUNTING-PROS AND CONS. Journal of Economics, 1(2). Wallison, P.J., 2008. Fair value accounting: A critique. Financial Services Outlook. LEARNING LOG SUMMARY (maximum 1 page using Aerial 12-point with at least 1cm margins) Suggested content: What did you learn from the assignment both technically and in terms of working together as a group? We learnt about what caused the global financial crisis to occur and the impact it had on various financial institutions We gained a deeper understanding on the faults in fair value accounting which also shows why historical cost was so prevalent We learnt how to allocate work between the members of the group as well as set realistic deadlines What strategy as a group did you follow in tackling the assignment task? Making sure everyone was involved in writing each paragraph so that we received various different viewpoints Having frequent meetings and discussions in order to compare our research and decide on which points we should include within our paragraphs What problems did you face and how did you overcome them? Understanding what was required of the question. We overcame this ask question to the lecturer and finding out, through research, about other topics that could be included in each paragraph What went well? Coordination was good since we kept in touch with each other frequently Everyone kept to their deadlines and provided what was required of them when needed What, in retrospect, would you have done differently, why and how? In the beginning we took time to assign research topics and research took a while as we were all new to it. However, later on we were able to increase the pace as we became more proficient. If, however, we had been able to start off at this pace, the work would have been more evenly distributed over the weeks rather than being skewed towards the deadline Where did you locate most of your sources? Google University of Bath library Google Scholar LOG OF GROUP MEETINGS (complete a maximum of 1 page for each meeting) Meeting 1 Date of Meeting 23 Feb 2017 (Thursday) Attendees Ben Maitland Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Agenda and tasks completed Decide on days of meeting every week (Tentatively Tuesday 1-2pm Friday 12.30-2pm) Talked about the structure of the essay Agreed items Structure of Essay Introduction Pros and Cons of FV 3rd of March How its carried out 10th March Example of FV during Financial Crisis 10th March Conclusion Tasks to be completed by next meeting Find points for pros and cons of fair value Date of next meeting 28 Feb 2017 (Tuesday) Meeting 2 Date of Meeting 28 Feb 2017 (Tuesday) Attendees Ben Maitland Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Agenda, items agreed on and tasks completed Allocation of points for the first paragraph pros and cons of fair value accounting to investors Tasks to be completed by next meeting Full paragraph of pros and cons of fair value Date of next meeting 3 March 2017 (Friday) Meeting 3 Date of Meeting 3 March 2017 (Friday) Attendees Ben Maitland Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Agenda and tasks completed Compiled the first paragraph Talk about the next 2 points Global financial crisis How fair value is carried out Allocate points to each person Tasks to be completed by next meeting Find points for the financial crisis and how fair value is carried out Date of next meeting 7 March 2017 (Tuesday) Meeting 4 Date of Meeting 7 March 2017 (Tuesday) Attendees Ben Maitland Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Agenda and tasks completed Choose which points to write about and discuss how to evaluate it. Tasks to be completed by next meeting Finish the paragraphs how FV is carried out and the example during financial crisis Date of next meeting 10 March 2017 (Friday) Meeting 5 Date of Meeting 9 March 2017 (Thursday) Attendees Ben Maitland Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Agenda and tasks completed Completed all body paragraphs Tasks to be completed by next meeting Introduction and Conclusion Date of next meeting 14 March 2017 (Tuesday) Meeting 6 Date of Meeting 15 March 2017 (Wednesday) Attendees Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Ben Maitland (However did send his share of the work by e-mail) Agenda and tasks completed Completed introduction and draft for conclusion Tasks to be completed by next meeting Complete full paragraph for conclusion and make some changes for body paragraphs Date of next meeting 16 March 2017 (Thursday) Meeting 7 Date of Meeting 16 March 2017 (Thursday) Attendees Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Ben Maitland (However did send his share of the work by e-mail) Agenda and tasks completed Worked on conclusion Date of next meeting 18 March 2017 (Saturday) Meeting 8 Date of Meeting 18 March 2017 (Saturday) Attendees Ben Maitland Kylie Siow Gavriella Kafkalia Sidharth Ranjith Name of Absentees Agenda and tasks completed Made some changes to body paragraphs Finalised the whole essay
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sins Ability to Control a Person in The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers
Sin's Ability to Control a Person Sin is a major theme in The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In The Scarlet Letter, sin is practiced throughout a few of the characters. The only difference amongst them is the way that they try to atone for it or be completely enveloped by it. Sin can take control of a person and devour them completely to the point of no return. Hester at first felt that her sin had taken away everything that she had and left her with only one thing, Pearl. When she first walked out of the prison and onto the scaffold, she was full of pride but from that point on, she was isolated from her community and forced to live in the forest with only her baby. Hester felt that suicide was the only thing she deserved after committing adultery. She says, "I have thought of death, have wished for it?would even have prayed for it, were it fit that such as I should pray for anything. Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it. See! it is even now at my lips." As time passes by, Hester?s personality gradually changes and she becomes a completely different person. She has become more caring although her lifestyle became worse. As for Reverend Dimmesdale, he is completely enveloped by his guilt from the sin that he has committed and is unable to come forward to confess it. Instead, he tortures himself each and every day. Hawthorne writes, ?His [Dimmesdale?s] inward trouble drove him to practices more in accordance with the old, corrupted faith of Rome than with the better light of the church ? In Mr. Dimmesdale's secret closet, under lock and key, there was a bloody scourge.? Later, he says that he tries to confess by saying that he has sinned but the Puritan community misinterprets it as a sign of him being a saint and that if he has sinned then what are they. Chillingworth is also a sinner because he pretends to be a physician when he really isn?t and takes that role to torture Reverend Dimmesdale. Chillingworth tortures Dimmesdale slowly by hurting him both physically and mentally. During this time he pretends to take care of him in which he really isn?t. Hawthorne writes, ?Calm, gentle, passionless, as he appeared, there was ? a quiet depth of malice ? but active now, in this unfortunate old man ? imagine a more intimate revenge ? upon an enemy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Doomsday Speech Essay
Military virologist Robert Neville id the last health human in New York City, a genetically-engineered variant of the measles virus that is meant as a cure for cancer had mutated in a lethal strain, it spread throughout the world killing 90% of humanity. The survivors became predatory beings refereed to as the ââ¬Å"dark seekersâ⬠and killed those immune to the virus. Ever heard or seen that from somewhere? The movie I AM LEGENED is one of the thousand of movies linked to the conspiracy of doomsday. Ever thought the world would ever come to an end? Todayâ⬠¦? Tomorrowâ⬠¦? Maybe in 2 minutesâ⬠¦? Are you anxious that we may be at the eve of the end of the world as we may know it? Do you believe doomsday is a hoax, created to exploit the gullible masses, or do you truly believe we are on the brink of the exterminations of the human race and the end of the world? It is the purpose of this paper to attempt to prove that doomsday is a myth that has created a fascination with destruction of the world that is being promoted by scamming artist after money and fame. People love to make things up, to sound important and to feel in control which is why 2012 is the year on everybodyââ¬â¢s lips. There have been many variations of what will happen when the world does end. The sun will dry out, magnetic poles will shift, planet X will nock earth of it axis, planetary collision, and apparently black holes will appear. It is said this will all happen on December 21st, 2012 at 11:11 am universal time. Despite the fact that all theses predications will lead to the end of the world, i do not agree and therefore the public have been sucked into this lie. NASA states that there have been many doomsday predictions that NEVER happened. There are actually 242 dates up to now. Some of those dates were many days in 1843 and 1844, March 10th 1382, June 6th 2008, also every year on January 1st but look, were still here. Will the world end just like the calendar? Most of you have probably heard about the Mayen calendar or prophecy. The Mayens were astronomers that watched the skies and predicted earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and solar eclipses. They uses past research o determine future events. They Mayens forecasted in to the future so far and the calendar stopped on December 21ss. 2012. But if you really think about it, calendars keep track of the passage of time, they donââ¬â¢t predict the future. The calendar has to end somewhere not only does it end; it begins a new cycle. The Mayen prophecy is just another hoax propagated by the internet, TVs, documentaries, movies and music. The most famous prophet was Nostradamus. Nostradamus predicted a great comet ââ¬Å"Nirbuâ⬠AKA ââ¬Å"Planet Xâ⬠would impact the Mediterranean on December 21, 2012 causing great destruction worldwide. But NASA states that Nostradamus and the Sumerians knew very little astronomy and most certainly didnââ¬â¢t know of the existence of Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune. So, discovering a twelfth body in the solar system is well off. Nostradamus just wrote his writings to make a quick buck. In Mathew 24:36; its states, ââ¬Å"However know one knows the day or hours these things may happen, not even the angles in heaven or the son himself, but the father alone.â⬠Writings are unintelligible things that are vague and the faiths of millions of believers in Nostradamus are still intact as they follow his path to hell. A lot of people think that the world will fall into a perfect alignment on Doomsday. According to NASA, there are no planetary alignments in the next few decades. Scientists believe that the next planetary alignment will occur on 2854. One calculation of alignments within around thirty degrees shows that the last such alignment was in 561 BC. The earth and sun do align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy, but that has never created any effects on the earth and neither will it on 2012. 2012 is just going to be another year that we will live through. But however, people have been taken this too far even with proof given. During September 2008, a young woman in India became traumatized and depressed after watching well make but over hyped reports about the Large Hadron Collider. She believed these shows when they stated that the Large Hadron Colliderwill cause a miniature big bang or create a black hole and destroy the world. Terrified of these accusations she decided to take her own life. Donââ¬â¢t let the media fool you. Our lives didnââ¬â¢t end 2008â⬠¦ But hers did.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Renewable energy architecture
Chapter One: IntroductionRationaleRenewable energy is energy generated from natural resources that are renewable, invariably replenished by nature such as sunshine, air current, rain and geothermic heat. All of these signifiers of renewable energy can be used as a cleaner beginning of energy in houses. As these signifiers of renewable energy can be harnessed to bring forth sufficient electricity even for the most demanding of houses and so some, the electricity generated from renewable resource would be clean, safe, environmentally friendly, cost effectual and efficient. ââ¬Å" Our present happy progressive status is a thing of limited continuance â⬠William Stanley Jevons 1865 This citation shows that as far back as the mid 1800s civilization knew the that worlds resources were non infinite and that one twenty-four hours they could run out, so for the past 150 old ages or so civilization could hold been be aftering for this and looking for alternate types of energy such as renewable energy. ââ¬Å" Traditional Fossil fuels are running out, they are acquiring harder and more expensive to obtain, and their emanations are fouling our planet. Newer, greener, alternate, renewable, energy solutions are available today. Emerging engineerings are doing them more efficient, and more low-cost, with shorter payback times. This makes them a feasible option to traditional energy beginnings. Energy costs have snowballed in recent old ages. U.K energy wholesale monetary values have risen by 100 % for electricity, and 230 % for Gas since February 2007. Coal has seen a, monolithic leap with a 400 % addition in the last 10 old ages, from merely ?23 a ton in 1999 to ?100 a ton in 2008. Oil monetary values have increased dramatically late and are ever prone to fluctuation. Oil has reached peak supply and increasing demand from developing states is likely to maintain monetary values high â⬠. ( line.3,4,5. par 2 from place page of www.renewable web site for Caron alternate energy systems. ) The Author found this quotation mark to be really acute as it non merely shows that traditional fuels are no longer traveling to be an option in the hereafter but with current demand for energy the monetary value is traveling to flip projectile. This citation besides looks at how promoting and utilizing renewable energy systems can assist you to make a cleaner and more environmentally friendly environment, the quotation mark besides looks at how renewable systems can be more cost effectual non merely in the overall life span but besides in the installing aswell as many authoritiess of states are now giving out grants to householders in order to advance renewable energy. The writer will travel into the inside informations of the grants in greater item later in the thesis.PurposesIn this thesis the writer aims to demo that put ining renewable energy systems in domestic houses is non merely promoting green energy but besides cost-efficient and every bit productive as traditional heating systems in places. Throughout the thesis the writer plans to call and depict the different types of renewable energy systems that are available to a home to do it more energy efficient.AimsTo set up an appropriate research methodological analysis to back up the research needs of the thesis.To analyze and measure the different types of renewable energy systems.Conduct a study of consumers who have purchased/installed a renewable energy system in their house.To look into the advantages and disadvantages between renewable energy systems and traditional warming systems.Formulate decisions and do recommendations on the footing of my findings.HypothesisIs Renewable energy in domestic houses more good than traditional heating systems?Structure of DissertationIntroductionChapter one introduces the reader to the thesis. It provides a brief overture to the subjects that will be discussed in the thesis. It besides discusses the purposes, aims and the construction of the thesis.Research method ological analysissIn chapter two the writer discusses the research methodological analysiss used to research information and this includes the research procedure, primary and secondary literature beginnings.List of renewable energy systemsIn chapter three the writer makes a list of the different types of renewable energy systems available to the consumer.List of traditional warming systemsIn chapter four the writer makes a list of the traditional warming systems available to the consumer.Detailed description of renewable energy systemsIn chapter five the writer gives a elaborate description of the different types of renewable energy systems and lists the advantages and disadvantages.Detailed description of traditional warming systemsIn chapter six the writer gives a elaborate description of the different types of traditional warming systems and lists the advantages and disadvantages.Analysis of questionnairesThis chapter analyses the sentiments of the place proprietors who have inst alled renewable energy systems in their places. In this chapter the writer has made up a client study and given it to place proprietors ( who have installed renewable energy systems in there house ) to finish. The writer will roll up and analyze the consequences of this study.Case surveyIn this chapter the writer looks at different illustrations of similar research.Decision and recommendationsThis chapter provides the decisions and recommendations of the thesis.Bibliography and MentionsThe bibliography and mentions is a list of all the books, articles and web sites used to research the thesisChapter Two Research MethodologiesIntroduction:In this chapter the writer outlines the assorted methods used to bring forth this thesis. It identifies the different beginnings used and illustrates how with comprehensive research the information was collated. The writer besides discusses the restrictions encountered in researching for this thesis.Research ProcedureThe research procedure begins by the writer fixing a preliminary literature reappraisal. This enables the writer to get a sufficient appreciation of the theories and methods of analysis in renewable energy systems. The preliminary literature reappraisal help the writer develop his cognition of the planning system and statute law. The preliminary literature survey besides helps spread out an overview of the primary beginnings of information available. The preliminary literature survey in the initial phases in the research procedure presents a big sum of the stuff needed for the thesis. The writer uses this information to contract his research. This focused his purposes on specific countries. The writer so had to make up one's mind on what format the thesis would take and how to travel about bring forthing it. By analyzing past thesiss on similar topics it will help in the enlargement of the initial thought and will show the right method to put to death a thesis. Throughout the research procedure different information is collected. This information can be broken up into different headers primary and secondary beginnings.Beginnings: Primary and SecondaryPrimary Literature Beginnings:ââ¬Å" Primary literature is the most accurate beginning of information as it publishes original research â⬠( Naoum, 2007 ) . The lists of primary beginnings included in this thesis were academic research diaries, thesiss, authorities publications and studies on the capable affair. Discussion was carried out with the bibliothecs in both Robert Gordon University and Carlow Institute of Technology this broadened the research avenues. The chief beginnings of information included:Documents from the European UnionDocuments from the Irish authoritiesSustainable Energy without the hot air by David JC MackayRenewable Energy Policy by Paul KomorSecondary Literature beginnings:Secondary literature beginnings are those that cite primary beginnings such as text editions, trade diaries, newspaper articles etc. The secondary beginnings were chiefly conducted during the writer ââ¬Ës research period. The writer used many different beginnings such as the cyberspace and the library comfortss available. The utilizations of hunt engines specifically orientated to renewable energy were of great significance to the writer. Th e cyberspace was a really good beginning for up to day of the month stuff. The writer concentrated on the local sustainability web sites, Departments of Environment in Austria, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom European Parliament, and the national newspaper websites to beginning information for this information.RestrictionsDuring the research for this thesis there were assorted restrictions. One of the greatest restrictions the writer encountered was the clip limitation. Roll uping the information needed clip it takes clip to treat the information and piece the thesis. A job the writer encountered was there were really few books that discussed the issues of the ââ¬Å" the public presentation of renewable engineering in domestic houses â⬠. One other trouble was the response rate was really hapless to the writer ââ¬Ës electronic mails and letters. The response rate was really hapless and therefore effected the writer ââ¬Ës overall nonsubjective position on this thesis.Literature ReviewThe writer undertook a literature reappraisal to beginning the relevant research involvements. The literature reappraisal provided the background information for the principle. In researching for this thesis the writer used text editions, newspapers, statute law and published studies as the principal beginnings.Past DissertationsPast thesiss in the Robert Gordon University provided a valuable beginning of information. The past thesiss were a considerable aid with the layout and format of the thesis and besides helped with developing the content.QuestionnaireThe usage of questionnaires was a important aid in having feedback from the people who are most influenced by the renewable energy systems ( the people who have had them installed in there houses ) on their sentiments and experiences.Chapter 3 List of Renewable Energy SystemsThe list of renewable energy systems falls under certain different standards for illustration solar, air current power, biomass etc. these are some of the systems that the writer will be looking at in greater item later on in the thesis.SolarSolar panel s.Photovoltaic cells.Evacuated tubing aggregators.Heat pumpsGeothermal heat pumps.Wind energyWind turbinesBiomassWood Chip or Pellet BoilersWater directionRainwater reapingChapter 4 List of Traditional Energy SystemsThe list of traditional energy systems that the writer has decided to research falls under the undermentioned standard Gas, Oil and Coal the writer will be looking at these systems in greater item later on in the thesis.Traditional warming systemsGasOilCoalChapter 5 Detailed Description of Renewable Energy SystemsSolar PanelsSolar thermal ( heat ) energy is frequently used for heating H2O used in places and for heating the interiors of edifices ( ââ¬Å" infinite warming â⬠) . Solar infinite heating systems can be classified as inactive or active. Passive infinite warming is what happens to your auto on a hot summer twenty-four hours. The Sun ââ¬Ës beams heat up the interior of your auto. In edifices, the air is circulated past a solar heat surface and through the edifice by convection ( intending that less heavy warm air tends to lift while denser cool air moves downward ) . No mechanical equipment is needed for inactive solar warming. An active solar thermal system relies on solar aggregators to transform sunshine into heat that can be used for infinite warming or more normally to bring forth hot H2O. Active systems frequently include some type of energy storage system. Information taken from: ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )Solar Energy & A ; the EnvironmentUsing solar energy produces no air or H2O pollution and no nursery gases, but does hold some indirect impacts on the environment. In add-on, big solar thermic power workss can harm desert ecosystems if non decently managed. Birds and insects can be killed if they fly into a concentrated beam of sunshine, such as that created by a ââ¬Å" solar power tower. â⬠Some solar thermic systems use potentially risky fluids ( to reassign heat ) that require proper handling and disposal. Concentrating solar systems may necessitate H2O for regular cleansing of the concentrators and receiving systems and for chilling the turbine-generator. Using H2O from belowground Wellss may impact the ecosystem in some waterless locations.Photovoltaic CellsWhat are Photovoltaic Cells and how do they work?Photovoltaic Panels are normally situated on a roof and usage semi music directors to change over sunshine to bring forth electricity for your place. Unlike Solar Panels which use the energy of the Sun to heat H2O, Solar PV ( photovoltaic ) converts the suns energy into electricity. The panels are made up of an array of cells which are made of stuffs such as Si. The Solar PV ââ¬Ës are made up of a negative and positive field similar to a battery. The photovoltaic panels do non necessitate sunshine to be effectual as they operate from daytime instead than sunlight specifically, although they do supply more electricity in sunnier climes. The more Sun, the more electricity produced. The photovoltaic cell is activated by visible radiation. Electricity is created by the creative activity of an electric field across beds of semi-conductors in the cell.Advantages of Solar PVPhotovoltaic cells are low care, but do necessitate checking of the wiring and guaranting the Photovoltaic panels are unbroken clean and debris free.For new physique or redevelopments, photovoltaic installing costs will be lower as they can be incorporated with other plants.Photovoltaic reduces your C footmark.Alternative energy systems can better overall marking for ââ¬ËEnergy Performance Certificates ââ¬Ë which form a mandatory component of the Home Information Packs ââ¬ËHIPS ââ¬Ë which house Sellerss now have to roll up.Alternative, renewable energy systems increase the value and saleability of your belongings.Photovoltaic panels are low noise.Photovoltaic panels can be used to supplement air current energy.SuitabilityPhotovoltaic panels should be placed so that they are South or c hiefly South confronting to derive most benefit from them, on an country where they will non blockade or overshadowed by edifices or trees. If they are in the shadiness for portion of the clip their end product will be less. Whilst traditionally these have been available in panels, Photovoltaic is now besides available in a signifier which mimics traditional tiles, and besides as units which can be used in the building of conservatories where they can besides supply shadiness. For larger Photovoltaic installings you may necessitate be aftering permission. A single system design will supply you with the best options for your single demands. We are able to plan and provide ââ¬Ëoff grid options ââ¬Ë which can let you to be self sufficient for electricity, heating and hot H2O. Photovoltaics ( pvs ) which convert sunshine straight into electricity, have many attractive characteristics. They are quiet, reliable, have no moving parts, can be installed really rapidly, and can be sized to power anything from a individual visible radiation to an full community. However they are rather expensive, with current costs of 20 per to 40 us cents per kWh for grid connected systems ( compared to 3 to 5 cents per kWh for coal or natural gas systems ) . Although costs have come down well in recent old ages and will go on to drop, PVs are presently nowhere near cost competitory with fossil fuels. ( l.3,4,5 par.2 pg 39 Renewable Energy Policy by Paul Komor )Evacuated Tube CollectorsEvacuated cellular tubings are made up of a series of modular tubings mounted in parallel.these tubings can be added to or taken away in conformity to hot H2O demands. These aggregators consist of rows of parallel see through glass tubings in which each contain an absorber tubing. In an evacuated tubing aggregator the sunshine passes through the glass tubing and heats up the absorber tubing by agencies of a heat money changer. The thickened fluid so flows back into the underside of the heat pipe. The pipes must be placed at a certain angle so that the method of vaporisation and compression will work to the best of it ââ¬Ës capableness.Advantages of Evacuated Tube CollectorsThe tubings can be separately replaced easy without particular tools and the H2O does non hold to be drained from the solar hot H2O system.The E.C.T ( evacuated tubing aggregators ) work like a thermos and maintain up to 93 % of the Sun heat in and lose between merely 3-5 % of the heat gained.The E.C.T will work in cold conditions up to -40 grades Fahrenheit.Geothermal Heat PumpsA geothermic heat pump is a cardinal warming and/or chilling system that pumps heat to or from the land. The geothermic heat pump uses the heat from the land as a beginning of heat ( in the colder months ) or a heat storage ( in the warmer months ) . This design takes advantage of the sensible temperatures in the land to better efficiency and cut down the costs of runing warming and chilling systems. The systems work a batch like a icebox or an air conditioner. Heat pumps can reassign heat from cold countries to warm countries, against the natural way of tally, or the systems can better the natural rush of heat from a warm country to a cool one. But unlike air-source heat pumps, which preponderantly transfers heat to or from the colder outside air, a land beginning heat pump takes its heat from the land. The fact that belowground temperatures are much more changeless means that geothermic heat pumps are much more energy efficient than air beginning heat pumps. What a land beginning heat pump does is it extracts the heat from the land in the colder months ( for heating ) and transfers the heat back into the land in the warmer months ( for chilling ) . During the summer months, the process can be changed so that the heat pump takes the heat from the edifice and channels it to the land. In order for a land beginning heat pump to work it must hold a heat money changer connected with the land to take or scatter heat. Direct exchange systems move refrigerating resistance, closed cringle systems use a combination of anti-freeze and H2O, where as natural groundwater is used in unfastened cringle systems. ââ¬Å" Geothermal electricity has one compelling advantage over air current and solar. It ââ¬Ës non limited by the caprices of the air current or the Sun and can therefore provide base burden electricity. Typical geothermic workss operate at capacity factors of 90 per centum, compared to weave ââ¬Ës 25 to 30 per centum. This means that a geothermic power works is presenting near to its maximal end product most of the clip. This makes it a much more valuable and reliable beginning of electricity â⬠.Wind TurbinesWhat are wind turbines and how do they work?Wind turbines are the most common of the alternate energies, they are efficaciously the modern equivalent of the old fashioned windmill. The rotors or blades of the air current turbines are placed on a pole high up, where they need comparatively small air current to turn them. The whirling blades of the turbines create electricity by revolving a lasting magnet to bring forth electricity, which can be used for a assortment of intents. The more electricity required the bigger the air current turbines required. When most people think of air current turbines they think of the really big commercial air current farms, with really high, really big air current turbines. Wind turbines are now available on a much smaller graduated table for domestic homes, and are capable of bring forthing sufficient electricity for the family, and dependent upon size, there is besides the possibility of selling extra electricity to the grid.Advantages of Wind TurbinesWind turbines are environmentally friendly.Once installed air current turbines provide free electricity.Wind turbines are a more constituted engineering, they are a cheaper option and have a lower payback period.During periods of good air current, electricity produced by Wind turbines and non used or stored can be sold to electricity companies.Our new coevals air current turbines non merely look different, they are quieter and more efficient. Their light-weight and compact de sign allows them to be located on edifice roofs.SuitabilityIn the chief, wind turbines are used for supplementing an bing electricity supply. You will necessitate a suited environment to be able to turn up the turbine, as far off as possible from trees and edifices. You will necessitate a suited base or pedestal on which to mount the air current turbine. Wind turbines merely generate electricity while there is sufficient air current so a uninterrupted supply of electricity can non be achieved. If there is no bing supply of electricity, electricity will either necessitate to be stored for unproductive periods, and/or used in concurrence with another beginning of renewable energy. Not all locations are suited for air current turbines, the placement of the turbine and the surrounding environment are critical for optimal public presentation. Any local planning limitations need to be taken history of in England and Wales be aftering permission is necessary to put in a little air current turbine. Wind turbines are best suited for rural belongingss, farms, community edifices, industrial estates, schools etc. The cardinal thought behind wind power is appealingly simple: the air current turns the blades, the blades turn the generator, and the generator makes electricity. The world of class is much more complex. Today ââ¬Ës air current turbines are technically sophisticated and finely engineered, integrating the latest progresss in stuffs, microprocessor controls, and computational fluid kineticss ( for blade design ) ( line 5, par 2, pg 34 Renewable Energy Policy by Paul Komor )Biomassââ¬Å" Most common procedure of biomass burning is firing of wood. In developed states replacing oil or coal-burning cardinal heating boiler with a wood firing one can salvage between 20 and 60 % on warming measures, because wood costs less than oil or coal. At the same clip wood firing units are eco-friendly. They merely emit the same sum of the nursery gas CO2 as the tree absorbed when it was turning. So burning wood does non lend to planetary heating. Since wood contains less sulphur than oil does, les s sulfate is discharged into the ambiance. This means less acerb rain and less acid in the environment â⬠. ( This is the sentiment of the industries of the frohling company who manufacture biomass boilers. ) Biomass can be converted to different signifiers of energy including heat, power, combined heat and power or liquid bio fuels.Direct burning of biomass stuff. Some processing of biomass may be carried out anterior to combustion e.g. sorting, splintering, pelleting or drying.The chemical processes-where solid biomass is upgraded to a liquid or a gas by pyrolisis and gasification.Decomposition of solid biomass to liquid or gaseous fuels by procedures such as anaerobiotic and agitation.Whilst the writer was researching biomass energy he came across a really interesting article on the importance of biomass energy in Germany this is what it states ââ¬Å" Biomass is one of the most of import and most diverse renewable energy beginnings in Germany â⬠. Quote taken from ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .As Germany is one of the taking states in sustainability in the European Union the writer thought that this would be rather good to t he thesis. Biomass can be used in solid, gas and liquid signifier to make electricity and heat and to bring forth bio-fuels. It is estimated that of the entire concluding energy created from renewable beginnings in the twelvemonth stoping 2007 biomass contributed 69 % this is a astonishing figure when you take that more than two tierces of renewable energy came from biomass. Harmonizing to the concluding energy ingestion bio energy is responsible for about 4 per centum of entire electricity usage, merely over 6 per centum of entire heat required and 7.6 per centum of entire fuel needed. ââ¬Å" The usage of bio-energy is to be farther expanded. The proficient potency required for this is available in Germany. In the agricultural and forestry sector, portion of the 17 million hectares of agricultural land ( approx. 12 million hectares of cultivable land and approx. 5 million hectares of grassland ) and of the 11 million hectares of forest are available for biomass production. By far the most of import beginning of bioenergy in Germany is wood. About one one-fourth of Germany ââ¬Ës wood production ( lower quality line of production ) is used for bring forthing energy, about three quarters are used as stuff. Waste wood and used wood are besides used for energy production. Model computations by the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products have shown that there are militias to spread out the usage of wood without impairing sustainable forestry. â⬠quotation mark taken from ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) this quotation mark shows how the German people are utilizing at that place natural resources to farther heighten the solution to fossil fuel jobs. Economically biomass energy has become rather important in Germany with about 100,000 occupations being created in the bio energy sector, specifically in the agricultural and forestry subdivisions, where they are fabricating stuffs such as pellets, wood french friess or biogas from biomass. The entire net incomes from the bio-energy sector came to 10.23 billion euro in 2007. ( Information was taken from the web site of the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the German Government )Rainwater HarvestingRainwater harvest home is the collection and maintaining of rainwater. It can supply H2O for imbibing, for farm animate beings, for irrigating land and for H2O to replenish acquifies in the procedure known as groundwater recharge. In some instances rainwater is the lone sensible or available H2O beginning. The systems are really suited in countries where the rainfall is greater than 200mm per twelvemonth. There are two types of reaping land H2O harvest home and roof harvest home. Land H2O reaping systems feed H2O from a prepared catchment country into a storage country. They are normally merely considered in countries where rainwater is highly limited and extra supplies of H2O are missing or non available at all. They are really suited for little communities. If good designed, land catchments systems can roll up big sums of rainwater. Roof reaping systems feed rainwater that falls onto a roof into storage through a system of troughs and pipes. The initial bustle of rainwater after a dry enchantment should non be stored as it could be polluted with soil, bird dungs etc. Roof troughs must hold sufficient incline to avoid any opportunity of a back log of H2O. The troughs must be strong plenty, and large plenty to transport maximal flows. In order to cut down the hazard of taint and fungus growing the storage armored combat vehicles should be covered. In order for the Rainwater reaping systems to be kept hygienic and clean they require regular cleansing and care this will protract the good working order of the systems. Rainwater reaping in towns or metropoliss can be really utile for many grounds. One of the chief grounds rainwater reaping can be implemented in metropoliss is to provide excess H2O for the metropolis ââ¬Ës demands, to refill flora to better the scenic beauty of a town/city, to increase the land H2O tabular array through unreal recharge, to relieve urban implosion therapy and to better the quality of groundwater. Another ground that rainwater harvest home can be utile for is in families the H2O can be used to flush lavatories and for rinsing apparels, sometimes it can be more good to utilize rainwater to make laundry as some country the brinies H2O may hold hints of calcium hydroxide which could consequence the lavation machine over clip. It can besides be used for lavishing or bathing. It will necessitate extremist violet intervention prior to utilize for imbibing.Chapter 6 Detailed Description of Traditional Energy SystemsIn this chapter the writer decided to look at the stuffs used to heat the traditional types of heating systems.GasHow Was Natural Gas Formed?ââ¬Å" The chief ingredient in natural gas is methane, a gas ( or compound ) composed of one C atom and four H atoms. Millions of old ages ago, the remains of workss and animate beings ( diatoms ) decayed and built up in thick beds. This rotten affair from workss and animate beings is called organic stuff ââ¬â it was one time alive. Over clip, the sand and silt changed to sway, covered the organic stuff, and trapped it beneath the stone. Pressure and heat changed some of this organic stuff into coal, some into oil ( crude oil ) , and some into natural gas ââ¬â bantam bubbles of odourless gas. â⬠Advantages of Natural GasThe procedure of firing natural gas is cleaner than firing other fossil fuels. It releases fewer emanations of sulfur, C, and N than oil or coal. As natural gas is one of the cleaner fuels it has become much more popular in recent old ages.Disadvantages of Natural GasNatu ral gas may be cleaner than other fossil fuels but like other dodo fuel, the combustion of natural gas will bring forth C dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the 2nd biggest nursery gas lending to the nursery consequence. Natural gas besides has a negative consequence on the environment while it is being manufactured, polishing and transporting.OilOil was created from the remains of workss and animate beings that existed 1000000s of old ages ago in a maritime environment.Heating oil is a liquid with gluey characteristics, it is a combustible liquid crude oil merchandise used as a fuel for heating systems or boilers in edificesHeating oil is really similar to diesel fuel, and both are classified as distillations. It consists of a mixture of crude oil and hydrocarbonsDisadvantages of OilOil merchandises help us achieve many things. We use them oil merchandises to fuel many of our conveyance systems such as cars, planes trains etc to heat our places, and to develop merchandises such as medical specialties and plastics. Even though oil merchandises make life easier ââ¬â discovering, fabrication, transporting, and the usage of them can harm the environment through H2O and air pollution.Harmful gases and emanations are produced from firing Oil merchandises.Some of these harmful emanations include:Particulate affair ( PM )Carbon dioxide ( CO2 )Sulfur dioxide ( SO2 )Carbon monoxide ( CO )About all of these byproducts of firing oil have a negative consequence on peoples wellness and the environment:Carbon dioxide is a nursery gas, which is of class a beginning of planetary heating.SO2 is known to causes causes respiratory unwellnesss and bosom diseases and besides acerb rain, which is damaging to animate beings and workss that live in H2O.Particulate affair is known to lend to the undermentioned wellness jobs lung malignant neoplastic disease, emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis.CoalCoal is a readily combustible black or brown-black sedimentary stone. It is composed ch iefly of C along with fickle sums of other elements, chiefly S, H, O and N. Coal starts out as a movie of works substance builds up at the underside of a organic structure of H2O. In order for the process to go on the works substance affair must be sheltered from biodegradation and oxidation, normally by clay or acidic H2O. This trapped atmospheric C in the land in huge peat bogs that finally were covered over and profoundly buried by deposits under which they metamorphosed into coal. Coal, a dodo fuel, is the largest beginning of energy for the coevals of electricity worldwide, every bit good as one of the largest worldwide anthropogenetic beginnings of C dioxide emanations. Coal is the largest emmittant of C dioxide of all the fossil fuels it emits about double the sum of Co2 that natural gas emits. Coal is extracted from the land by excavation, either belowground or in unfastened cavities. Coal is chiefly used as a solid fuel to make heat and electricity.What are some of the disadvantages with excavation coal?ââ¬Å" Without proper attention, excavation can hold a negative impact on ecosystems and H2O quality and alter landscapes and scenic positions. Debris that chokes mountain watercourses can ensue from surface excavation like mountaintop remotion, and acidic H2O can run out from abandoned belowground mines. Today reconstructing the land damaged by surface excavation is an of import portion of the excavation procedure. Because excavation activities frequently come into contact with H2O resources, coal manufacturers must besides travel to great attempts to forestall harm to land and surface Waterss.What Emissions and By merchandises Are Produced from Burning Coal?The burning of coal produces several types of emanations that adversely affect the environment. The five chief emanations associated with coal ingestion in the energy sector are:Sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) , which has been linked to acid rain and increased incidence of respiratory unwellnesssNitrogen oxides ( NOx ) , which have been linked to the formation of acerb rain and photochemical smogParticulates, which have been linked to the formation of acerb rain and increased incidence of respiratory unwellnesssCarbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , which is the primary nursery gas emanation from energy usage. â⬠Chapter 7: Analysis of Questionnair e:Introduction:In this chapter the writer will measure some of the sentiments of householders from Scotland and Ireland. These people represent the householders who have installed renewable energy systems in there houses of, so their sentiments will give an honest position of the systems. The questionnaire will assist me compare my ain beliefs on the renewable energy systems with the people most accustomed to them. The questionnaire was sent out with a cover missive as shown in Appendix A. There were 40 questionnaire sent out. 30 respondents sent their questionnaires back. I posted the questionnaires with a return cast addressed envelope included.Question 1:How satisfied are you with sing the following points? Merchandise, overall quality, value, installing ( first usage ) , usage experience and after purchase service. The intent of this inquiry is to see whether the people who have purchased renewable energy systems are happy in the above countries. The consequences of the study prove that big proportion of the people who have installed renewable energy systems in their places have been preponderantly happy with there purchase.Question 2:Overall, how satisfied are you with the merchandise? The consequences of this study are reasonably conclusive in turn outing that the bulk of the people surveyed are either really satisfied or highly satisfied with there merchandise.Question 3:Compared to other merchandises that are available, would you state that the merchandise is? The intent of this inquiry is to see whether the people who have purchased renewable energy systems are happy with there merchandises compared to traditional energy systems. Looking at the consequences of the questionnaire it is obvious to see that the people who have had the renewable systems installed are happy with there purchase with a bulk of 53 % happening the new system to be better and 27 % of the people.Question 4:Would you travel back to your old system? The intent of this inquiry was to happen out what per centum of the people surveyed would be happy to travel back to there original system. Once once more the consequences of the study were reasonably conclusive with the bulk of the people more than happy to remain with there renewable systems.Question 5:How likely are you to urge this merchandise to others? The intent of this inquiry was to happen out what per centum of the people surveyed would be happy to urge this merchandise to there friends and household. The consequences of this inquiry shows that out of 30 people who answered the questionnaire a bulk of 54 % of people would be willing to urge a renewable energy system to people they know, with 30 % of the people being open.Question 6:Based on your experience with this sort of merchandise, how likely are you to put in a similar merchandise in your house once more? The consequences of this inquiry are really concise with a bulk of 73 % likely or highly likely to put in a similar renewable energy system in the hereafter and a minority of 23 % who would non be willing to put in another renewable energy system.Chapter 8: Case StudyAs portion of the instance survey chapter the writer has looked at the new E.U. statute law brought in on the 23rd January 2008 entitled ââ¬Å" Renewable Energy in the twenty-first century: edifice a more sustainable hereafter â⬠. This enterprise is aimed at holding Renewable energy history for 20 per centum of the brotherhoods overall Energy ingestion by 2020. As portion of this instance analyze the writer looked at how four different states viz. Austria, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom intend to run into foremost the interim marks and secondly there overall mark by 2020. The writer will besides be looking at the different grant strategies grants for renewable energy in domestic places awarded by differen t states within the European Union. First the writer will demo the statute law given by the EU below and demo what marks have to be met by each state in the European brotherhood and the interim marks set out for each state listed below.Member provinces ââ¬Ë marksOn 23 January 2008, theCommission put frontward a proposal for a newdirective on renewable energies to replace the bing steps adopted in 2001.EU authoritiess and the European Parliament reached a wide understanding on the proposal on 9 December 2008, which was so adopted by the Parliament in a plenary ballot on 17 December Harmonizing to the text, each member stateshouldincrease its usage ofrenewable energies ââ¬â such as solar, air current or hydro -in a bidto encouragement the E.U. ââ¬Ës portion from 8.5 % of the axis ââ¬Ës energy mix today to 20 % by 2020.A 10 % usage of ââ¬Ëgreen fuels'in transportis besides included within the overall EU aim. To accomplish the marks, every state in the 27-member axis is required to increase its portion of renewables by 5.5 % from 2005 degrees, with the staying addition calculated on the footing of per capita gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) :Interim marksThe Commission alsoproposes aseries of interim marks, in order to guarantee steady advancement towards the 2020 marks.25 % norm between 2011 and2012 ;35 % norm between 2013 and 2014 ;45 % norm between 2015 and 2016, and ;65 % norm between 2017 and 2018.OesterreichsIn researching the proposals of each of the four states the writer intended to look at, the writer found it highly hard to happen a finalised proposal as the finalised proposals do non hold to be submitted to the European Union until June of 2010. the best the writer was able to make was research proposals forwarded by MPs to each authorities. The Austrian authorities set up a plan to analyze the effects of holding to make 34 % renewable energy of the entire energy end product by 2020 and the impact this will hold on the environment, the economic system and on society. In order to analyze the inquiries posed, the undertaking comprises two chief blocks: the development of the simulation theoretical account ââ¬Å" â⬠which integrates energy, economic and environmental facets in one individual and consistent modeling model, and its application within a participatory scenario patterning procedure. After the creative activity of the simulation theoretical account and the development of the scenarios, the scenarios had to be implemented into the theoretical account. The undertaking consists of:An economic theoretical account, dwelling of an input-output theoretical account, the system of national histories ( SNA ) , and the labour market.An energy theoretical account, exemplifying the relationship between economic development, energy usage and CO2 emanations. It comprises energy demand, transmutation and supply.A resource theoretical account, apportioning the domestic and imported stuff inputs to those sectors responsible for the material extraction.The theoretical account acts as a footing for quantifying the effects of different scenarios of a more ambitious usage of renewable energy in Austria.GermanyThe German authorities has estimated that they will non merely make the mark by 2020 but beat it by.7 % the authorities. The German authorities have done up a tabular array gauging how much per centum of energy they are traveling to do from renewables from 2010 to 2020.Irish republicHarmonizing to the Irish authoritiess section of communicating, Marine and renewables white paper papers, presenting a sustainable hereafter for Ireland the authorities intends to make the followers:Encourage biomass in power coevals by back uping biomass engineering transportation, investing in specific biomass R & A ; D and tackling of supply side ( biomass feedstock ) issues ;They will extinguish the dedicated oil demand for the power coevals sector by 2020 while reexamining the strategic necessity for double fire at gas workss ;They will accomplish 15 % of electricity ingestion from renewable beginnings by 2010through bing and new undertakings under the refit strategy ;They will accomplish 33 % of electricity ingestion from renewable beginnings by 2020 through support for research, development, commercialisation, and engineering transportation every bit good as grid connexions and be aftering issues for offshore air current, ocean engineering and biomass ;They will restrict Irelands dependance on natural gas for power coevals to about 50 % b y 2020.They will guarantee the necessary transmittal system planning and development in support of renewables by EirGrid SONI and the Regulators in the all-island model.Besides in the white paper papers was a estimated tabular array of the electricity coevals between 2005 and 2020.United KingdomIn relation to the United Kingdom the writer was able to come across a proposal by Mr John Hutton MP sketching his proposals to assist the United Kingdom make its recommended renewable energy mark of 15 % by 2020. The proposals are as follows:ââ¬Å" Extending and raising the degree of the renewables duty to promote 30-35 % of our electricity to come from renewable beginnings by 2020.Introducing a new fiscal inducement mechanism to promote a really big addition in renewable heat.Widening more effectual fiscal support for heat and electricity microgeneration engineerings in places and other edifices.Helping the planning system to present.Guaranting appropriate inducements for new electricity g rid substructure.Exploiting the full potency of energy from waste by sing farther limitations on land make fulling biomass.Necessitating all biofuels to run into rigorous sustainability standards to restrict inauspicious impacts on nutrient monetary values, and other societal and environmental concerns.Promoting the development of new renewable engineerings by guaranting effectual support peculiarly where the UK has the possible to be a market leader.Maximizing the benefits for UK concern by supplying a clear long-run policy model. ââ¬Å" Taken from ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )Chapter 8.2 Grant allotmentAs portion of this thesis the writer researched the grants available to householders, who wished to put in renewable energy systems in there homes. The writer decided to look at the grants available in the four European states he had looked at for the E.U enterprise viz. Austria, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. T he writer thought that this would be really good as the chief ground for non put ining renewable energy systems in peoples places was the monetary value of it, but if the grants available can be significant plenty to cut the monetary value of installing down to a minimal so there should be no ground for non put ining renewable energy systems.OesterreichsSome European states, such as Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, already established renewable edifice codifications on a national degree. Austria has chosen a different way. Alternatively of an amendment to the bing edifice codifications, which would do a portion of renewable energy mandatary in new or refurbished edifices, Austria agreed on a ordinance which is linked to the lodging aid programmes. The model for this political instrument is an agreement ( paragraph 15a B-VG ) between the national and the province authoritiess to cut down the nursery gas emanations of the edifice sector. It stipulates that all Austrian provinces implement regulations for paying lodging aid merely if the warming system of the house fulfils certain ecological demands. Efficient oil/gas boilers with a solar thermal system are eligible in most provinces, every bit good as wood boilers, heat pumps and territory warming. 7 of 9 Austrian provinces already approved these demands last twelvemonth. Austrian provinces that implemented demands for an ecological warming system for new and refurbished residential edifices, desiring to gain from lodging aid. In most instances, the householder can take between different heating engineerings, one of them being an efficient oil/gas boiler combined with a solar thermal system.GermanyHarmonizing to the German authorities they are apportioning 350 million euros each twelvemonth to in the signifier of grants to householders for the installing of renewable energy systems such as solar panels, biomass boilers and heat pumps. However the German authorities expects most householders to take solar panels. Under the new ordinances, solar panels will necessitate to hold an country equal to 4 % of the entire country of a house. The German authorities has besides brought in a statute law that all new places built in Germany from January 1st 2009 will be required to put in renewable energy heating systems under a new jurisprudence called the Renewable Energies Heating Law ( Erneubare-Energien-Warmegesetz ) . Harmonizing to the new statute law 14 % of a family ââ¬Ës entire energy ingestion must be met by renewable energy beginnings. For bing houses from 2010 onwards the recommendations are that 10 % of the warming and domestic supplies will hold to be provided by integrating renewable energy. For old houses, 10 % of the warming and domestic hot H2O energy demands will hold to be provided by renewables. Fines of up to 500,000 euros will confront anyone who fails to exchange their warming systems. ( information for this was taken from the German federal ministry for the environment, nature preservation and atomic safety of the German authorities )Irish republicIn Ireland the Irish authorities have been giving out grants to place proprietors since the 27thof March 2006 under the grant strategy the applier.United KingdomThe United Kingdom besides allocates grants to householders who are put ining renewable engineering in there houses but certain criterions have to be met first these criterions are as follows: The grants are merely available to place that have:Insulated the whole of the loft of the belongings to run into current edifice ordinances e.g. 270mm of mineral wool loft insularity or suited option.Installed pit wall insularity where possible.Fitted low energy visible radiation bulbs in all appropriate light adjustments.Have thermostatic controls and a coder or timer for your warming.In many of the grants available the grants will besides pay for 30 % of the installing fee. So in decision with the grants in each of the four states researched covering at least 30 % of the installing fee if non more there should be no ground for non put ining renewable engineering systems.Decision:The chief purpose of this thesis is to place whether the renewable energy systems could work every bit if non better than the traditional warming systems. The 2nd purpose was to bring out if the renewable energy systems be more cost effectual and significantly more environmentally friendly than the bing warming systems. In order to carry through these purposes and to prove the hypothesis of ââ¬Å" Is Renewable energy in domestic houses more good than traditional heating systems? the writer set out specific aims to accomplish these ends. In the of all time altering universe of renewable energy it is apparent that the progresss and on-going progresss in the field of renewable energy agencies that better engineering will be bought at a more competitory monetary value. This will portend good for both the consumer and the environment with the consumer being able to buy renewable engineering cheaper than he would a traditional dodo fuel he/she will be cutting down on the nursery gas emanations that are fouling the environment every twenty-four hours. To demo one illustration of this Evacuated cellular tubings are perchance the best solar thermic devices on the market right now but they are besides the dearest but with progresss in engineering ( e.t.c ââ¬Ës ) will go cheaper doing them more popular. Another decision that the writer came to while he was researching for this thesis is that non merely is the use of fossil fuels earnestly harming our environment but they are besides running out at an dismaying rate which means if we do n't move every bit shortly as possible to rectify our errors we will non merely have created irreversible harm to our environment, by breathing harmful gases into the ambiance but we will hold sucked dry all of the earths dodo fuels. It is rather clear to see this go oning now all we have to make is look at the surging monetary values of oil, gas and coal e.g. monetary values have risen 230 % for Gas since February 2007. Coal has seen a, monolithic leap with a 400 % addition in the last 10 old ages, from merely ?23 a ton in 1999 to ?100 a ton in 2008. figures taken from ( Caron alternative energy web site. ) Consequences from the who installed renewable energy systems in there places were more than happy questionnaires, proved that 74 % of the people that were surveyed with either the heat generated or the electricity generated and the comfort provided by the renewable energy systems. As the bulk of the people surveyed either switched from traditional heating systems to renewable energy systems or were brought up in life in a house with traditional heating systems the writer thought that this was a true contemplation of the position of the people most affected.Recommendations:There should be more accent put on the fabrication of renewable energy systems as the writer noted earlier if there were more renewable devices supplied so the overall monetary value would travel down as it is simple marketing ââ¬Å" supply and demand â⬠Although the European Union have brought in a new directive where by 2020 40 % of the corporate European states energy should be renewable energy, the writer b elieves that each authorities in each state should make its uttermost to excel this demand.The authorities of each state should convey in a statute law that all new houses have to run into a certain criterion of renewable end product to advance both the sale and usage of renewable energy. The authorities should besides see presenting stricter clip frames for enforcement of this statute law.Governments could besides give greater grants to advance the sale of renewable systems and revenue enhancement an over usage of fossil fuels.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Difference Between Physical and Chemical Properties
Difference Between Physical and Chemical Properties Measurable characteristics of matter may be categorized as either chemical or physical properties. What is the difference between a chemical property and a physical property? The answer has to do withà chemical and physical changesà of matter. A Physical Property Aà physical propertyà is an aspect of matter that can be observed or measured without changing its chemical composition.à Examples of physical propertiesà include color, molecular weight, and volume. A Chemical Property Aà chemical propertyà may only be observedà by changing the chemicalà identity of a substance. In other words, the only way to observe a chemical property is by performing a chemical reaction. This property measures the potential for undergoing aà chemical change.à Examples of chemical propertiesà include reactivity, flammability and oxidation states. Telling Physical and Chemical Properties Apart Sometimes it can be tricky to know whether or not a chemical reaction has occurred. For example, when you melt ice into water, you can write the process in terms of a chemical reaction. However, the chemical formula on both sides of the reaction is the same. Since the chemical identity of the matter in question is unchanged, this process represents a physical change. Thus melting point is a physical property. On the other hand, flammability is a chemical property of matter because the only way to know how readily a substance ignites is to burn it. In the chemical reaction for combustion, the reactants and products are different. Look for Tell-Tale Signs of a Chemical Change Usually, you dont have the chemical reaction for a process. You can look for tell-tale signs of a chemical change. These include bubbling, color change, temperature change, and precipitation formation. If you see signs of a chemical reaction, the characteristic you are measuring is most likely a chemical property. If these signs are absent, the characteristic is probably a physical property.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Speckled Band Essays
Speckled Band Essays Speckled Band Paper Speckled Band Paper Essay Topic: Ray Bradbury Short Stories Holmes is very different to Dr Roylott as Holmes approaches life with an intellectual view, although he is logical; Holmes is just as strong as Roylott even though he is not quite so bulky. With a sudden effort straightened it pout again (page 8). This quote states Holmess physical appearance but also states his strength. The author uses Watson to emphasize Holmess qualities. He does this by comparing the two, A ventilator is made, a cord is hung, and a lady who sleeps I the bed dies. Does that not strike you? (Page 12). This emphasizes that Holmes is a more observant detective than Watson and due to him being more superior, he is put in direct contrast to the enemy, Dr Roylott. In order to compare the two, they must have different personalities. Sherlock Holmes is calm, Dr Roylott is aggressive. Its rational versus irrational behaviour, manners versus rudeness, although they have the same physical strengths. I think the author wanted us, the reader to think that Holmes enjoys challenges, such as Dr Roylott, however, he has nothing to prove. The structure of The Adventure of The Speckled Band is that of a typical detective format in the Victorian era. It is a mystery story in which a crime needs solving as someone is in need of help, in order to prevent a death. This mystery story has been structured in a clever way as it gives out a series of clues, My sister was troubled by the smell of strong Indian cigars and also a series of red herrings which are designed to throw the reader off and so want to solve the crime themselves and read on, for example, the cheetah, the baboon, and the gypsies are all used to play on the readers prejudice. The gypsies do this in a way which the reader thinks they are just trouble as they are thought to steal and attack people. They do this in the same way the cheetah does as they have been branded as vicious, so one can say that they are a stereotype. Because of these clues given out, we get ideas of what really happened to Julia Stoner, and so we follow the clues and try and play detective. We are unable to solve the mystery as Holmes keeps one secret to himself and only releases it at the end, An inspection of the chair showed me that he had been in the habit of standing on it, (page 16).Ã This makes |Holmes look superior to the reader as he observes a clue that both Watson and the reader are unable to come across. This is a major surprise to the reader as the writer makes sure to hide this very crucial clue to make us, the reader, read on. In a way, this makes the reader feel betrayed by Holmes and the writer as we thought we could trust them. In various parts of the story there are a series of increase in suspense followed by a straight decrease. An example of this is when Holmes and Watson are climbing through the window of Stoke Moran when, what is described to be a hideous and distorted child (page 13) runs out of a bush. At that point I felt tense as I had no idea of the so called child was going to attack, in which case it never and so when I read on to find out that it runs off, releases the tension and a whole lot of suspense.Ã Although The Whole Towns Sleeping has its differences to The Adventure of The Speckled Band it has many similarities, such as they are both set in places far away from help. A less obvious similarity is the way the two stories use women as victims and potential victims and men as aggressors, which follows the Victorian era. A narrator is a character in which tells and guides the reader through the story.Ã In The Adventure of The Speckled Band the narrator is Watson. Watson is a first person narrator who, accounts of a case, which happened years before. He is very professional as he keeps a diary of all the cases he and Holmes have come across in the past.Ã The language used in this story, tells us, the reader, that it is set in the Victorian era, as there are words which are not really used today, for example aperture (page 7). The language is very formal. Due to this, the reader starts to come off the story. Palmer and Pritchard were among the heads of their profession (Page 13). This confuses the reader, as we dont know what they mean. In a way this is a good thing as the reader reads on to find out the meaning and understand what they are trying to say. Conan Doyle used words that the modern reader will be unlikely to come across as they are rarely used in todays society. For instance, Pittance (page 8). I think Conan Doyle did this to point out that the story is that of a Victorian era and also to reflect upon the class and education of him and the characters, as they are all of the upper class community.Ã The story lacks description and rarely if ever gets an n in-depth to the characters thoughts and feelings. I think the story is in deficient need of emotion as Conan Doyle chose to take a scientific approach. A cause of this is, it makes us, the reader feel less tension and suspense. Suddenly amidst the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman (page 4). This ruins the atmosphere for the reader as the more the author uses Victorian words; the more the atmosphere fades from the readers mind. I think Conan Doyle used Victorian words such as aperture (page 7) instead of doorframe because he wanted us, the reader, to admire him for him being well educated which he used to reflect upon his own superior ego. The narration and language of these two stories are completely different as the story of The Whole Towns Sleeping is far more successful at creating mystery and suspense than that of The Adventure of the Speckled Band.Ã The Whole Towns Sleeping is third person narrative and the narrator is omniscient, which means they know all and see all. By using this kind of narration, it brings the reader into the story as the way things are described, its as though we, the reader, are actually smelling, tasting, hearing, seeing and feeling everything that the narrator is. For example, I didnt know what terror was, I wouldnt let myself think, (page 9). This makes the reader believe they are Lavinia. Ray Bradbury used a personification technique which made Lavinia Nebbs feel as though she is evil just like the Lonely One. The heat pulsed under your dress and along your legs with a stealthy sense of invasion (page 7). This made the reader feel as though Lavinia has just turned a victim of the lonely one as the heat has just invaded her; in the same way the Lonely One invades his victims. Another technique used by Ray Bradbury was the use of repetition, which he used to describe two things, the ravine and the sense of safe. He repeats the description of the ravine to be dark, quiet and damp ahead was deepness, moistness, fireflies and dark (page 1). I think he repeats this to make ravine sound forbidding and a popular place for the Lonely One to visit, as thats where the murdered body of Elisa Ramsell was found. In contrast to this, Ray Bradbury repeats the word safe to give a feeling of relief, which decreases the readers anxiety. Safe, safe, and safe at home! (Page 9). Although the readers anxiety is decreased, the author creates points of panic to raise the level of anxiety. He does this by shortening sentences and using very descriptive words. At the bottom of the steps. A man, under the light! No, now hes gone! (Page 8). This states what exactly is waiting for Lavinia at the bottom of the ravine, however, it doesnt state whom it is waiting. This builds tension, as neither Lavinina nor the reader knows who the man is. He could be the Lonely One on the break of his monthly sin or maybe a passer by.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Folkways, Mores, Taboos, and Laws
Folkways, Mores, Taboos, and Laws The social norm, or simply norm, is arguably the most important concept in sociology. Sociologists believe that norms govern our lives by giving us implicit and explicit guidance on what to think and believe, how to behave, and how to interact with others. We learn norms in a variety of settings and from various people, including our family, our teachers and peers at school, and members of the media. There are four key types of norms, with differing levels of scope and reach, significance and importance, and methods of enforcement. These norms are, in order of increasing significance, folkways, mores, taboos, and laws. Folkways Early American sociologist William Graham Sumner was the first to write about the distinctions between different types of norms in his book Folkways: A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals (1906). Sumner created the framework that sociologists still use today. Folkways, he wrote, are norms that stem from and organize casual interactions, and emerge out of repetition and routines. We engage in them to satisfy our daily needs, and they are most often unconscious in operation, though they are quite useful for the ordered functioning of society. A common example of a folkway is the practice, in many societies, of waiting in line. This practice brings order to the process of buying things or receiving services, allowing us to more easily perform the tasks of our daily lives. Other examples of folkways include the concept of appropriate dress, the practice of raising ones hand to take turns speaking in a group, and the practice of civil inattention- when we politely ignore others around us in public settings. Folkways mark the distinction between rude and polite behavior, so they exert a form of social pressure that encourages us to act and interact in certain ways. However, they do not have moral significance, and there are rarely serious consequences or sanctions for violating them. Mores Mores are more strict than folkways, as they determine what is considered moral and ethical behavior; they structure the difference between right and wrong. People feel strongly about mores, and violating them typically results in disapproval or ostracizing. As such, mores exact a greater coercive force in shaping our values, beliefs, behavior, and interactions than do folkways. Religious doctrines are an example of mores that govern social behavior. For example, many religions have prohibitions on cohabitating with a romantic partner before marriage. If a young adult from a strict religious family moves in with her boyfriend, her family, friends, and congregation are likely to view her behavior as immoral. They might punish her behavior by scolding her, threatening judgment in the afterlife, or shunning her from their homes and the church. These actions are meant to indicate that her behavior is immoral and unacceptable, and are designed to make her changeà her behavior to align with the violated more. The belief that forms of discrimination and oppression, like racism and sexism, are unethical is another example of an important more in many societies today. Taboos A taboo is a very strong negative norm; it is a prohibition of certain behavior that is so strict that violating it results in extreme disgust and even expulsion from the group or society. Often times the violator of the taboo is considered unfit to live in that society. For instance, in some Muslim cultures, eating pork is taboo because the pig is considered unclean. At the more extreme end, incest and cannibalism are both considered taboos in most places. Laws A law is a norm that is formally inscribed at the state or federal levelà and is enforced by police or other government agents. Laws exist to discourage behavior that would typically result in injury or harm to another person, including violations of property rights.Those who enforce laws have been given legal right by a government to control behavior for the good of society at large. When someone violates a law, a state authority will impose a sanction, which can be as light as a payable fine or as severe as imprisonment.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analyzing Point of View Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Analyzing Point of View - Research Paper Example This is a good thing because if the point of view is not consistent the reader can be very confused. They will have a hard time understanding who knows what. This story is traditional and consistent. A little bit of the feelings of Mathilde shine through, but the narrator does not have total knowledge of her and how she feels. This point of view is appropriate to the story. This is not an experimental work where the author is trying to make the reader's head spin. Instead this is a simple story where the author does not want the point of view to intrude or draw attention to itself. He wants the story to almost tell itself. Since this is partly a story of social mores, which are shown rather than told, it is important for the point of view to not be intrusive. There are many techniques an author can use to heighten the quality of his work. Point of view is among the most important. It can completely shape the reader's experience of the story.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Economics slp module 02 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics slp module 02 - Essay Example As the trend for going ââ¬Å"Greenâ⬠is on the rise globally, the demand for organic foods which are environmentally friendly, healthier and more nutritious than other grown foods is also growing rapidly. The official figures say that organic markets are increasing by about 20% per annum as compared to 2% to 4% in the non organic market1. The supply of organic milk is very hard to cope at the moment. This is because dairy farms have to follow extremely careful practices on providing their cows with the right environment and not over-milk them. Organic means natural, this is why cows have to be treated in the most natural way possible. Wal-Mart therefore lay down strict guidelines for its organic milk producer Aurora, to meet. Being Wal-Mart, the whole procedure had to be big as well, so Aurora is currently using 3500 cows for its organic milk production. The cows are given a break when they are not lactating, which is about three to four months a year. Apart from this, the cows are also given a huge field to roam around in and graze in grass like they would naturally do. This 3500 figure might not look big enough for most dairy farms, but for organic milk production this is a huge number of cows to handle. This is why the company tripled its size of grazing fields since the start of production. Naturally, Wal-Mart has since encountered many criticisms from its competitors. The biggest is Whole Foods. This is the current biggest organic food supplier in the market. The market reputation of Wal-Mart has been slightly affected by these criticisms because when some competitor firms like Whole Foods and Organic Valley examined the procedures and facilities at the diary farm they dubbed them ââ¬Å"unacceptableâ⬠. However, since then Wal-Mart has their dairy farms examined by independent inspectors and gotten a satisfactory result. This has made the market position of Wal-Mart a little stringer in the organic
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